Help us make great music accessible to all!


We depend on supporters like you

A tax-deductible donation to TCSO helps us pay for rentals, utilities, facilities, and many other expenses. As a community orchestra, staffed primarily by volunteer musicians, we offer the greatest artistic value in the region!

Become a friend of TCSO!

We pride ourselves on minimizing our own costs in order to keep our concerts free (see our mission below). In order to accomplish those goals, we depend on the support of our community.

No amount is too small, and giving to TCSO has never been easier.  Just click on the title, or go to the menu under “support”, and 


Take a stand, grab a chair!

Town and Country Symphony Orchestra is very excited about launching a new program. As many other orchestras across the country have already done, TCSO is allowing YOU to sponsor a musician for the 2023/24 season. Connect your passion and love for music to your donation!

Why do we offer our concerts for free?

Simply put, our mission is to make great orchestral music both accessible and fun. Our community of concert patrons includes residents of retirement communities, families (young and old), and those who appreciate live symphonies. As a 501(c)3 charitable organization, we feel that charging for admission takes focus away from accessibility and fun, and causes people to consider an expense before deciding to experience TCSO. Free admission enables anyone and everyone to enjoy great music.

About TCSO’s Mission

Great Music

We select great literature – both classical and contemporary – and fill it with passion and spirit.

Accessible to All

Free admission, plentiful parking, mid-afternoon concerts on Sunday afternoons, and family-friendly.

Fun For All

We balance many styles of music and work hard to ensure each concert has a “wow” moment for everyone.


We share our stage with community arts organizations and support other charities as well.

Make a Donation


TCSO participates in two annual fundraisers.  We host an annual Trivia Night event in May – we will post information about that on this website prior to the event.

Every September, TCSO hosts a booth at Kirkwood’s Greentree Festival.  We sell pretzels and water, and enjoy interacting with the community – signing up new members and handing out our concert schedule.