TCSO's Board of Directors
As of 2021/22 Season
David Lowell Peek
Conductor, Music Director

Roger Fagerberg
Town & Country Community Liaison

David Ackerman
Board President, Double Bass

Allison Parker
Vice President, Violin

John Kilper
Secretary, Violin

Bill Hershey
Treasurer, Trumpet

Jillienne Touchette
Program Editor, Viola

Matt Alton
Member, French Horn

Eve Riley
Member, Violin

Gina Hilberry
Member, Cello

Anita Dunn
Member, Violin

Marcia Jones
Member emeritus, Clarinet

Darlene Kellum
In memory of our Late Secretary, Violinist, and Friend
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TCSO has made a difference in our community by performing great music and presenting it for FREE to our audiences for decades. Rising costs mean we need your help now more than ever. Please consider giving even a small amount to our "Friends of TCSO" campaign. Please...
Announcing Our 2024/25 Season
TCSO kicks off its season on Sunday, September 8th with the last of our three 2023 Rising Talents Young Artists Concerto Competition winners, Hayden Baker. Baker will play the first movement of Mendelsohn's violin concerto. On the same bill TCSO will tackle...
Announcing our 2023/24 Season
TCSO is pleased to announce the 2023/24 season. Our new season begins with a survey of the music of Eastern Europe featuring the talented Ukrainian pianist Dmytro Vynogradov playing Rachmaninoff's lyrical second piano concerto. It once again ends with regular guest...
Rising Talents Concerto Competition 2023/24
Town and Country Symphony Orchestra is pleased to announce the return of the Rising Talents Concerto Competition. This is an opportunity for young musicians to share their talents with the St. Louis community and for all of us to support them. Please see the Rising...